Brancher allows you to program a Kiosk survey to redirect to a page depending on the answer to certain question types.

In the example, if a shopper answers the "Do you enjoy travelling?" question with a Yes (and hits the Next button), they will be forwarded to the 'Enjoys Travelling' page and only the questions before the next Page Break question type will be displayed. On the other hand, if the shopper answers the "Do you enjoy travelling?" question with a No, they will be forwarded to the 'Doesn't Enjoy Travelling' page (end of the survey), and see only the Black Remark that has been assigned to that page.

This is how the example set up looks from the Question List.

To have the Brancher work as expected, a couple of things are required!

The form must have Page Breaks, and they must be enabled on "Shopper Edit View". It's always a good idea to add a page number in the label.

In the case of the example, Page Break Labels are as follows: Enjoys Travelling and Doesn't Enjoy Travelling.

You must know the Question ID, Answer Option ID and resulting page number. There is no direct way to see the page number, but you can easily count the pages as they are set between the Page Breaks.

Branching only works on Yes - No, Yes - No- N/A, Radio Button and Pull Down Menus question types!

Once you have your set-up in place, head to the ICR/Kiosk Mode Settings and enable the Brancher. After the page has been saved, a link allowing you to upload the Config file will be displayed.

Download, open and fill in the template provided by the Brancher wizard.

To get the Question ID and Answer Option ID, you can use the "Edit" link for the branching question in the Question List.

Keep in mind that every answer option for a question must have a branching rule set. For an example, if the question has three answer options, each answer option must be programmed to go to a specific page!

Save the Config file as a .CSV file and upload it. You can test it by running through the Sample Kiosk Shop from the ICR/Kiosk Mode Settings.

If you upload a new Config file, all previously uploaded configurations for the survey will be overwritten!

Brancher will work on Kiosk shops regardless of whether you have ICRD