The Scoring section of the survey settings allows you to adjust the survey scoring.

Omit N/A

When a question is marked as N/A, exclude that question from the scoring. Use this option to ensure that N/A responses do not affect the score, resulting in a 0/0 score for those questions, instead of 0/X (where X represents the possible points for the question).

Show scoring info (0/0) on unscored questions
For questions that do not have any scoring for any answer, you can choose how to display this in the score column. Do you want the client to explicitly see "0/0" (indicating that the question does not affect the overall score), or would you prefer to leave the column blank?

Mark the checkbox to display "0/0" for questions that do not have any points assigned and can never contribute to the score.

This setting does not impact questions that have a "0/0" score due to N/A answers – these will always show "0/0".

Skip unrequired

Enabling this option ensures that unrequired questions without answers are not penalized.

Cap bonuses

This setting will keep the scores going over 100% when there are bonus questions on the survey.


Point Score Adjustment

These points are added or subtracted from every shop's actual point score.

Top Score Adjustment

These points are added or subtracted from every shop's possible point score.