The Manager Updater page allows you to find and correct shops for which the managers associated with the shop do not match the current managers for any subdivision.  

How does this work?

When a shop is submitted, the system captures a snapshot of the managers overseeing that location at that moment. This ensures that even if a manager is promoted or transferred to another location or level, their scores remain linked to their manager account. This process enables the system to maintain a historical record of each level of manager for every shop.

However, the historical records can become invalid if a manager's position is not updated in the system upon changing their position in the real world. In such cases, it's necessary to update the shop to ensure that the managers for that shop match current managers for that location. The Manager Updater page allows you to easily find and correct the mismatched shops.

How to get there?

Once you open a shop in the Review mode, check the top left corner of the shop details.

Using the Click here link will open the Manager Updater page with details on your current shop.

Job#: The job identification number.

Shopped: The date on which the shop was conducted.

This can help with determining who the manager was at the time.

Submitted: The date on which the shop was submitted.

This is also the date when the managers were attached to the shop.

Manager Type: The type of manager you're looking at (one of the five client levels).

Level Name: The actual name of the level to which the shop belongs.

Old Manager: The manager that is currently associated with the shop, but no longer associated with the location or level.

Change To: Checking this box indicates that you would like to update the old manager to the new manager for this shop.

New Manager: The manager currently associated with the location or level, but not yet associated with the shop.

Choose which manager(s) you would like to update by checking off the 'Change To' boxes. You may use the Check All and Uncheck All to change the values of these boxes in bulk. 

Once you have made your selections, click Save Changes to update the managers. This will update only the single shop you have previously opened.

Search for more managers

If you would like to update more shops, you can use the links on the resulting page.

Job #: This will display all mismatched managers for the chosen shop. 

If you have just updated all of those managers, the system will not find anything further for you to change.

Manager Type: This will find all shops where the manager of that type is mismatched.

For instance, if you clicked on Location, you would see a list of all shops for which the location manager does not match the current manager for that location.

Level Name: This will find all shops where the manager for the chosen level is mismatched.

For instance, if you knew the manager for District 2 had recently changed, clicking on 2 would show you a list of all shops for which the District 2 manager does not match the current manager for that district.

Old Manager: This will find all shops where that person is no longer the current manager, or there is no old manager.

New Manager: This will find all shops where that person is the current manager, but was not when the shop was submitted.

Clicking on any of these links will bring up a list similar to the individual shop list you first saw. You may sort the list as desired and update whichever managers need to be changed. After each update, you may continue to search for more shops that need to be updated, or close the window and return to the shop you were reviewing. 

If you recently made a bulk manager update, you can open a Support Tracker and request us to run a Manager Updater utility from our side as well!