The Account Administration allows you to view your account information and modify your login details.

Start at the main Admin Page.

Simply hit the Admins tab and use the My Account link, or search the Quick Jump bar!

On the My Account Administration page you will be able to update the login details, and, if you have sufficient permissions, modify the Clients you have access to.

You can view and/or change the following values:

First Name: Your first name.

Last Name: Your last name. Your account cannot have the same first and last name as another administrator.

Login: Your login name. 

This is what you will use to log into the System.  You cannot have the same login as another administrator.

Password: Your password.

The password must contain at least one uppercase alphabetical character, at least one lower alphabetical character, it has to be at least eight characters long and must contain at least one number or a symbol.

Client: The client you are associated with.

In most cases you will not want to change this value, as it will likely decrease the access you have to the system.

Email Address: Your email address. 

This is an optional field, but if you want to receive e-mails from Sassie, it must be filled. The address does not have to be unique, and several managers may share the same e-mail address.

Account Email: An optional e-mail address used for password reset e-mails.

Language Preference: You can change your language preference by selecting a language from the dropdown.

Manager Permissions

Beneath the Access Options form, you will see a list of permissions that you have.