Main Scheduler Page

DESCRIPTION : From this page, you have access to Scheduling Logs and Reports, AutoScheduling sessions and useful utilities.

This page offers you shortcuts to the various Scheduler Admin Pages. Select a Survey and then click on one of the Buttons to access the page you want.

What buttons you see on this page will depend on your permissions or whether the module is turned on.  If there is a feature shown here that you would like access to, please submit a support tracker. 

The buttons are grouped into:

Logs & Reports - Click on any of these buttons to view a particular Scheduler Log or Report

Urgent Log: Displays the following urgent, time-sensitive shops in one place you can attend to them quickly and easily:

  • All active shops that are late (or are close to being late)
  • All unassigned shops nearing their deadline
  • All assignments that haven't been confirmed by the assigned shopper.

Autoscheduling - Click on any of these to perform specific AutoScheduling tasks.

Utilities - Click on any of these to access various scheduler utilities.