Shopper Citations can be used for internal and external (visible to shoppers) notes regarding a shopper's history or performance. You may want to use them to keep track of a shopper's reliability (or unreliability), to note any issues, or to let the shopper know when they have done a good job. 

When viewing any shopper's Shop Log, you will see "Shopper Citations" at the top right. 

Click here and then click "Show" to expand the Citations for this shopper. 

To create a new Citation for the shopper, click Add New Citation. 

When creating a Citation, you can decide whether it will affect the shopper's rating or not. Like shopper ratings on individual shops, this is a a scale of 0-10. With Citations, you can set a weight, which says how many "shops" the Citation's rating is worth. If you set the Citation's rating to 10 and give it a weight of 2, it is the same effect as two shops rated 10. 

Type is required. There are some pre-labeled types, or you can choose "other". These are for reference later on, in scheduling. For example if you give a shopper a Citation with type "Flake", schedulers will easily be able to see that when choosing shoppers to assign in Scheduling, and can avoid the shopper. 

When you have set up your Citation, click Add New to save it.