Let's look at the basics of scoring and how Sassie calculates scores using quantitative questions then we will cover more advanced topics including scoring N/A responses, bonus questions, not included questions, and not required and conditionally required questions. Finally, we will conclude with a discussion on sectional vs overall scores, score triggers, and form changes and recalcs. 

Let's begin with an explanation of basic scoring. In a Sassie survey, questions that contain quantitative data are scored and summary scores for the survey section and overall survey are automatically generated.


Quantitative question types include: 

  • Yes/No, 
  • Yes/ No/ N/A 
  • Checkbox 
  • Multi-Checkbox
  • Radio Button
  • Pull-down Menu

In Client Shop Views and Dashboards, sectional and overall scores are shown as the number of points scored out of the maximum possible points. It can also be shown as a percentage scored or both. The percentage scored is calculated by the number of points scored divided by the possible maximum. 

A higher score indicates better performance, therefore when adding a question to your survey you assign a higher score to the answers that reflect better performance. With Yes/No, Yes/No/NA, and Checkbox questions by default, Sassie assigns one point for yes, or checked, and zero points for no, na, or unchecked. 

You can change this default scoring to anything you want. Since people tend to see 'Yes' as the better answer, assigning fewer points to 'Yes' and more to 'No' is risky. if you do this phrase your question very carefully to avoid any confusion when the shopper fills out the survey.

With Radio Button and Pull-down Menu questions, you provide a number of answer options that can be used to rate performance, with corresponding higher or lower point values. The better performance an answer reflects, the more points you would assign to it. 

You can also choose to not assign points to an answer. This is appropriate for answers that don't reflect on the location's performance. Such as this question: "Please select the item that you ordered."  Because I don't want any of the answers to that question to score any points I can simply set my answer option scores to zero.

Multi-Checkbox questions are used in cases where more than one answer may be correct. For example: if you are asking a shopper to check if all items are found in one part of a store. Instead of having a single best answer, it is more common to give all answers the same point value.  The more checkboxes that are checked, the more points are added to the score. If some questions are more important than others, you can weight them accordingly by assigning more points to them.  

You can also set a maximum score for Multi-Checkbox questions. So let's say the maximum score for this question is 10 points. And let's say each answer option is worth 5 points. 

If the shopper selects two answer options, the question will score 10 points, which is the maximum that this question is worth. If the shopper selects 3 or more of the answer options, the question will still score 10 points, because that is the maximum value of this question. If the shopper selects one answer option, then this question will score 5 points. 

That wraps up Basic Scoring. 

Next we'll cover Advanced Scoring.