Whenever you have a question that is not addressed in the help system, want to notify us of an issue, or have a special request, you can send a tracker notice through the Sassie tracker system. 

Here is how you get into the system and submit a new notice:

From the main Admin page, use quick jump to go to Support Tracker.  

Once you are on the support tracker page, you will be able to see all currently open trackers and their statuses, as well as create a new notice.

To add a new notice, select a Client the notice is related to and use the Add New Issue button. 

This will lead you to a page where you can fill in the details.

The first thing to do is to select the Client in the Client dropdown. It is always a good idea to double-check you selected the right Client!

The next thing is to add a descriptive title. When creating a title, a title such as "Client wants to see minor sectional scores on company overview" is significantly better than "Question about a report". We advise you keep it simple, but specific enough so both you, and us, can easily recognize the subject.

Your name and your e-mail will automatically be filled in, so you don't have to worry about that.

You can add as many details as you want in the comment section.

For an example, a comment such as "Scheduler Barb Smith can't see shop number 34053 for MallMart in the Admin log. Administrator Joe White can see the shop when using the same filter set." is much better than "Help, can't see shop in log!".

It is always better to add all the details you can think of (at least the Client ID, Survey ID, Shop ID), and when possible, attach screenshots (PDF, Excel or any other format) of the issue/question/query you have. This helps route your request to the proper handler, and will result in faster turn around time!

Once you have filled in all the details, use the submit notice button to notify our support team of your request!