In Part 1, we added a client. So here we are still on the client settings page which is where we left off. If you have already logged out of the system because you weren't ready to proceed with step 2, creating a survey for your client, you can return to this page by selecting the client from the client-survey dropdown menu, and then going to the quick jump and typing client and form settings.

Now that we are back on the Client And Form Settings page, we can click on Create New Survey at the top of the page to start adding a survey for our client.

The only required field on this page is Survey Name. Here we will name our survey "Retail." For the purpose of this exercise, please create 2 major section titles. We will create 2 Major Section titles called "Reptile Enclosures" and "Pricing" and then click the Add New button at the bottom of the page. We should now see that the survey has been created. 

Now that we have created a survey, we need to create a Question List for our survey. We can do this by clicking the Question List button at the top of the Survey Settings page. If you have exited out of this page, you can go to Client and Survey Settings and then you will now see the survey that you have just created at the top of the page! To access the question list, select "Question List" from the dropdown under "Form Settings" and click GO. 

The question list page allows you to add a number of different question types to your survey. 

By default, every new survey will automatically include a "Date Shop Preformed:" question at the beginning of the survey. Let's add another question to our survey! Select a question type from the drop-down menu. For this example, we are going to ask "What time did you enter the store?" so, we would select a "Time of Day" question type and then select where in the form we would like the question to go: End of Form, Beginning of Form, or After a specific question that is already in the form.  Select where you would like to add the question, and click Add. This opens a pop up where you can set up the details of your question such as adding the question text, assigning answer scores and managing visibility settings to name a few. 

Here we are going to add the question text and focus on the other details later. Once we add the question text, we are going to click Add New. We now can see that our question has been added. You can also see that we have the option to add another question from the popup. You can add a new question after the current question, or you can insert it in a different place in the form. You also get the option of adding a similar question or adding a question using a different format. If you are all set with adding questions at this point, you can click close to close the page.

Before moving on any further, let's add a Yes- No- N/A format question. We will input the text of our question, and we now have the option of assigning scoring.  For now, we aren't going to add scoring just yet, so we will set those to be 0! Now we can simply add this question using the Add New button and change the other settings later. Once we save our question, we can finally return to the main Question List and refresh the page so that we can see the questions we just added.

To see how the questions will appear to the shopper, click the view form button at the top of the page. We can see the questions, along with the answer options for each.